How to Answer a Quora Question and Get Traffic

How to Answer a Quora Question and Get Traffic

Welcome to my blog!

I have been away longer than expected. I had a migraine that overlapped two weekends. On a happy note, we hosted my Grandma’s 96th birthday party last weekend. My sister was able to come down from Chicago to celebrate. We had a weekend filled with family! It was almost like a vacation, even though we were at home.

I am glad to be back today.

On an even more personal note, I started a new migraine medication about two weeks ago. The results are promising. I hope to have many fewer sick days. My head is so much clearer; it was easy to write my blog today.

Let us begin!

Why I’m Answering This Topic

There are countless articles about how to answer a Quora question best. Each one is a bit different. I thought I”d collect the ideas in one place to make sense of my research and share them with you. All the tips were jumbled in my head, so I’ll place them in categories to make sense of them. Perhaps I can make this easier for you and inspire you to use Quora as an organic traffic strategy.

How to Choose a Question

Not all questions are created equal. Some will gain more traction than others. But don’t worry, this is not the proverbial golden needle in a haystack situation. There is  a strategy to find which questions are most worth your time.

  • Search for your topic in Quora’s search bar. The page will change, and there will be a margin on the left side you can use to filter the questions. You can filter by type, by author, and by time. Under by type, click “question.” Under by time, click either “past hour” or “past day.” Answering newer questions with fewer answers will increase the likelihood many people read your answer.
  • Answer a question you’ve written. If you have a blog article, a lead magnet, or simply an idea you want to share, write a question. At the top of the Quora page on the right, click the red button that says Add Question. You now have the opportunity to share what you like.
  • Answer a question with over a thousand views but only one answer. Copy and paste keyword “1 answer” “k views” replacing only “keyword” with a topic.

What to Include In Your Answer to Make it Noticeable and Easy to Read

Make your answer eye-catching. Viewers have a lot of options among answers to read. Make yours stand out.

  • Use relevant pictures. However, they must be relevant to your content.
  • Use bullet points or a numbered list when applicable.
  • Make paragraphs 1-2 sentences, so they will be easy to read on a cell phone.
  • Use bold or italics in your answer for emphasis.

Tips for Better Content

  •  Read others’ answers to the question you are answering. Add something new and beneficial to the conversation. You don’t simply want to answer the question, but you want it to shine out from the others.
  • Consider elaborating on the answers already given.
  • Some questions can be answered in a few sentences. Longer answers get noticed better than short ones, so imagine what the questioner might need to know. Anticipate the idea behind the question and also answer that. Be careful not to say something irrelevant to make your answer longer. You must stay on topic.
  • Write how you speak. You are not being graded or published. Speak naturally.
  • Urge the reader to take action, whether reading your bullet points or reading further about the topic on your blog.

Offering Your Lead Magnet or Mentioning Your Blog

Don’t be shy in leading readers back to you. However, you should not simply promote yourself.

  • Offer multiple links that add value to an answer. Only reference yourself once.
  • Choose a lead magnet directly related to a common question to offer it as an aid.
  • Answer questions that naturally link to your blog articles.
  • Answer the question thoroughly. Finally, mention you have a free PDF or online course (lead magnet) covering the general topic in depth. Or, say the same about your blog post.
  • Never suggest people buy something of yours in your answer.
  • Never share your link in your answer. If your answer peaks interest, people will click on your Biography to learn more about you and find your links.

Strategic Tips

  • Take your time! Oddly enough, your results will improve not by the number of questions you answer but by the quality of your answers. Granted, you will still need to answer a lot of questions to gain traction, but each answer needs to give tremendous value to a conversation between you and the questioner.
  • A lot of questions are similar. Feel free to answer them over and over again, but don’t repeat your answers over and over. I’ve found I can elaborate on a particular aspect in one answer and pick another aspect the next time I answer the question.


I’ll implement these tips this month to better answer my Quora questions.

First, I am working on a lead magnet to give away on my Quora profile. I just realized that was an opportunity recently. And I will begin answering questions in earnest again.

Questions are easy enough to answer, but I realize there is a skill to answering them for the best results.

I’m still learning! What tips would you give me that I have missed? Do you have another tactic for promoting your blog or lead magnet using Quora? I’ll be happy to hear your advice!


Ciao for now,


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