Let’s Talk Purpose

Let’s Talk Purpose

Why Affiliate Marketing?

I chose affiliate marketing because I don’t have my own products. I don’t want the responsibility of handling inventory and shipping or customer service. I can certainly make recommendations based on my experiences and earn a commission on sales.

Truly, it seems like an easy way to start a business. There’s minimal start-up cost involved.

The trick was finding out how to make it work.

What Makes It Tick

This is where Dean’s book came in handy. He describes the four core areas:

  1. Traffic
  2. Capturing Emails
  3. Follow-up
  4. Making Offers

These are the four steps of any business. You must attract customers, find a way to recontact them, continue to follow up with them, and make offers.

Well, this made sense! The book, of course, goes into more depth.

At any rate, I thought, I can do this!

And I dared to do so. Since I only work part-time, I told my husband I’d try it.

My Personal Plan

I use Quora to publish content and attract traffic to my blog. I use a blog as my central hub.  I use a free video to capture emails both on my blog and Quora. After the video follows an offer for The Iceberg Effect. I’ve also got a banner set up on my blog. As part of Dean’s Accelerator Pro, I have access to a traffic co-op that does Solo ads.

How Dean Became My Mentor

You can listen to Dean’s weekly talks when you order The Iceberg Effect. They’re like pep talks to help you in your business. To steal his phrase, I began to “know, like, and trust him” by the content he was putting out each week.

I decided to sign up with his company, Internet Profits, in a program called Accelerator.

There’s training to begin setting up your business, and any questions I have are answered five days a week. Three days a week, there are live sessions; the other days are recorded, and all are always recorded if you can’t make a live session.

I’m not tech-savvy. Of course, some computer skills are needed in internet marketing, so I thought I would be better off with some guidance. Watching my husband plug along for six months, I knew how often he had questions and how hard it was to get to the next step. He’d often get stuck and have to try something new altogether.

I was happy to invest some money to be confident of meeting my goals and meeting them more quickly.

I had an opportunity to become part of Dean’s Accelerator Pro program and jumped on it. Again, there was an investment in myself, but I knew I would need the extra help. Once a month, Dean gives this small group a lesson he’s noticed we need and then answers all of our individual questions. I can shoot him an email at any time. This is also how I have the co-branded funnel at this link.

Full disclosure: I’m a total beginner. I’ve made $14.75 online. My goal at this time is to make $20. As I shared yesterday, I’d like my husband and I to quit our usual jobs and work from home together. I have big dreams about what to do with extra money, but right now… I want to earn $20.

I know affiliate marketing is a skill. I’ve gotten a conviction about that over the past month. Somewhere along the way (since January), this process came not as easily as I thought – check out my blog, and you’ll see how I’ve been slogging through!

But I’ve noticed in the past month how true it is that affiliate marketing is skill-based. I’ve just got to get good at the skills, and the money will come. Luck has a tiny part to play because you don’t control when you will make a sale, but the harder I work, the luckier I will get.

As Dean told me, “Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.”

He doesn’t always pull his punches! LOL!

Not Just About Me

As I begin to make money online and grow my business, I’d like to help others do the same.

When I started to hear about affiliate marketing, there was a lot to listen to. Nothing seemed clear, and what was clear seemed too good to be true.

Dean showed me the way, and I’d like to do the same for others.

I’ll document on my blog what I’m learning, my mistakes, my successes, etc., in hopes of inspiring others so that they/you, too, can earn a profitable income online. For some of us, it’s necessary to supplement our incomes. There is hope out there!

If you’d like to begin affiliate marketing and build a business you can rely upon, please join me in my journey. I’ll share what I can along the way, and we’ll make a go of it together!

Thanks for reading.

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