Responding to Blog Comments and The Benefit of WordPress Plugin CommentLuv

Responding to Blog Comments and The Benefit of WordPress Plugin CommentLuv

Good morning, all! Thanks for joining me on my blog.

Today’s post is practical.

This week I learned:

  1. I had not been responding to comments on my blog the best way.
  2. I discovered I had forgotten to check pending comments.
  3. I installed CommentLuv because it was recommended. I found out why it’s beneficial.
  4. I learned how to use CommentLuv to get the most out of those benefits.

The Best Way to Respond to Blog Comments

I had been going to my blog and clicking reply to each person’s comment. It’s better to access your blog through the comments section of your WordPress dashboard.

I also sometimes replied within the comments section. That’s not the best way, either.

The best thing to do is go to the comments section of your blog and click on “View Post” to the right of someone’s comment. That will take you to your blog from your dashboard. That’s key.

Once you have entered your blog through your dashboard, you can respond to everyone’s comments on that post. You don’t need to go back to your dashboard and click on View Post for each comment.

Why? Benefits of CommentLuv

If you have CommentLuv installed, you have to respond to comments in this way to get its benefits.

There are many benefits to using CommentLuv.

  1. Bloggers can leave a link to their blog when they comment on your blog. It likely incentivizes them to visit your blog, leave a comment, and return to your blog.
  2. If two bloggers have CommentLuv, the commenter can choose from 10 of their posts when they leave a comment. So they can select a blog post relevant to your article. Another strategy is they may leave a comment on my blog linking their most recent post, then respond to someone’s comment on the same post linking their post from two weeks ago. So, they’ve just promoted two of their blog posts by commenting and responding to comments on the same blog article. The plugin increases your visitors’ exposure and gives them control over what they share.
  3. The plugin gives your blog a sense of legitimacy. It has a reputation for being used by more serious bloggers. It will help get you noticed as a serious blogger and a potential blog to visit for leaving comments.
  4. It creates backlinks to your blog. As I understand it, a backlink is when one site references another. This will improve SEO.

How Did I Find Out?

It all started because I was having trouble keeping up with the comments on my blog. I thought I had responded to everyone, but my comment bubble said 16. I thought I might be commenting incorrectly because the comments weren’t clear. I asked our trusty trainer, Glenn Shepherd, a question. It turns out they were pending comments I had yet to look for! So be sure to remember to click the Pending tab and respond to those comments. My apologies to those I had missed for so long.

As always, Glenn realized all I didn’t know and addressed my confusion thoroughly, going above and beyond what I asked. The team at Internet Profits does that every time. As promised, I’m sharing what I learn from them with you.

Next week, I’ll share what I learn about the social sharing buttons I’ll add to my blog. (I noticed they are there already but they aren’t yet linked to anything.) I’ll be addressing how to build a social media presence from scratch. I have a Facebook profile I use to see family pictures. I never post anything myself. So, when I say from scratch, it’s scratchy.


I hope this article is helpful to you.

Did you learn something? Would you happen to have anything to add?

Please leave a comment.

Ciao for now,






41 thoughts on “Responding to Blog Comments and The Benefit of WordPress Plugin CommentLuv”

  1. Well, who would have known I have been responding to comments the hard way all this time?

    I did not know I could address all comments from a single blog page, I have always addressed each individual comment from within the comment section.

    Many thanks for pointing this out.

    I will also take a look at commentluv.
    tony simms recently posted…Well.. that didn´t happen!My Profile

  2. Nakina, wow…………… this is very informative. I appreciate the post. The blogging and connecting all the dots has come close to pushing me over my limits. But, truly, I am working toward removing ALL limits. You have shared a lot of key points that I want to take to heart.
    I appreciate you knowledge!

    1. Hi, John! There is indeed a lot to learn. I’m glad to share a bit here and there each week. I wish you all the best in your new beginnings! I’m super excited for you and your wife starting your online journey. Cheers!

  3. Ha Ha! So glad you found out that little trick to the best way to respond to blog comments when your readers are using the CommentLuv plugin also.

    Although I must say that some folks may not have it installed correctly (or perhaps by design) but the plugin will sometimes only allow your most recent post to be shown and you get no opportunity to choose one from one of your last ten posts. Your’s works as expected.
    Robert Klein recently posted…Truth Be KnownMy Profile

    1. Oh, yes! I know what you mean, Robert.

      There’s a setting within the plugin where you give commenters permissions. Within settings, it’s under operational settings, Who to give 10 last posts to choose from when they comment? You can select Only Registered Members, Everybody, or Nobody.

      Sometimes a blogger will require commenters register on their site before giving them the full benefit of CommentLuv. I have mine set to Everybody.

      Perhaps I should have reviewed the settings in my article. I’m glad you brought this up!

  4. Hi, Martin! Lol! I should be a CommentLuv affiliate! Since it’s free, that probably wouldn’t be beneficial to the company 🙂 Thanks for that thought. I’m glad I’m not the only one to miss people’s kind replies. I’m wrapping those up today. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  5. Thank you for sharing the little tidbit about CommentLuv! I have this plugin but I’m not as well-versed on using it. Also, thank you for sharing with me that there’s a better way to respond to comments! What a helpful post! Thank you.

  6. Hi Nakina,
    That was a great post! I did learn from your post that there are other options when it comes to commenting on posts, and other ways to retrieve them. I also learned from your posts today to remember to leave your viewers with something to look forward to for the coming weeks ahead on your last posts. Thank you for all this useful information.
    Meredith Moore recently posted…Patience Is A VirtueMy Profile

  7. Hi Nakina,
    Great post and yes, it did take me some time to get my “comments” right as well!
    One of the most rewarding things you can have on a blog is knowing that a great bunch of people are not only reading your blog but also taking the time to comment on it.
    Looking forward to your continued journey – and reading about it!

    1. Thanks, Marc! Who knew comments were something to learn about? Lol! I am so glad to have people commenting on my blog. It’s great that I needed to learn about commenting 🙂
      Have a great week!

  8. Nakina, thank you so much for a very useful blog. I think many people have been suffering with this for a long time. Going from one comment to another one blog to another, can be very confusing and time-consuming. In fact, I’ve entered a question into the group for this weeks, Q&A around comments and how it can be done easier. You’ve addressed many other points here and thank you so much for doing that. I think from now on, I’m going to do it from the dashboard comments page rather than go to each one. Thank you so much thanks, Atif
    Atif Perwiz recently posted…Maximising Your Affiliate Marketing Potential: Tips for SuccessMy Profile

    1. Hi, Atif! Glad I could help. I am relieved that as long as I go to my blog through the comments page, I can then reply to comments for everyone all at once. Makes things simpler! I’m looking forward to hearing what clarification you get this week. Wishing you the best!

  9. Awesome Nakina,

    I have added this plugin so looking forward to replying easily to comments.

    What is also very exciting is the SEO and backlinks.

    Is the ‘Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.’ part of this plugin?

    Thank you so much.
    Eleanor Hope recently posted…Feel The Fear And Push ThroughMy Profile

    1. Hi, Eleanor! I’m glad you found the post helpful.

      I’m not sure where your quote is from. I see there is a link just above the box that says Post Comment: You can manage the subscriptions of this post.

      I clicked it, and it looks like I could subscribe you to my blog? I think that would be a bad idea. I would rather you choose to subscribe, so I wouldn’t do that.

      Sorry, I don’t know how to answer your question. Where do you see that quote?

      1. Hi Nakina,
        I tried to add an image so you could see but was not able to. It is below where you add your email after adding a comment.
        I have just copied the text below.

        Eleanor Hope

        Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

        Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.

          1. I checked out CommentLuv, Eleanor.
            Their premium feature allows emails to be sent to the commentator, but it is not currently available.
            They are working to bring the security standards up before they make it available again.
            I expect this will be soon because they recently updated the free plugin. There is no information yet on the cost of the premium plugin.
            Thanks for asking! This is good to know about!

    1. Hi, Alan! I think when you’re visiting blogs, you’ll notice the comment section is using the CommentLuv plugin. I don’t know that there’d be a way to search for them specifically.

      I would just note them on my Blog Hopping tracker sheet and be sure to visit them regularly.

      Thanks for your question!

  10. Napkins,

    Thanks for pointing out the benefits of the commentLuv plugin. I had heard of it but didn’t realize why I needed to use it.

    Now I’ll have to look into it more.


  11. I always feel like I am learning as I put together my current blog.

    Thanks for the directions about having multiple comments. I will check out the CommentLuv widget myself.

    1. Me too, Scott! There’s always more to learn. I’m getting more and more comfortable with that idea as I go along. At first, I thought I’d learn and become a master. Lol! I’m learning not to expect that but just to enjoy the learning curve.

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