Self Evaluation
Good morning! Welcome to another week!
The temperatures have been cooler in Texas this week. I have happily soaked up the cool air and scent of rain.
This week, I aimed to spend an hour a day concentrating on Quora traffic. I often enjoyed doing so outside.
I almost made my goal. I’ll honestly review how it went and what I’ve learned.
Good news: I had 318 new views, three new followers, four upvotes, and even one comment. I answered 19 questions.
Bad news: I missed Saturday’s goal.
Question: I wonder if the rate of new views will continue to be the same or if it will grow as my followers increase.
Lesson learned: I did not adequately plan for the weekend. My goal was to spend an hour on Quora Saturday as well.
Lately, we usually leave around 8 or 9 AM to visit family.
I did not wake up early enough to do Quora.
I thought I would answer questions when we got home. We got back around 8 PM. It didn’t happen. I took my night medicine at my usual time, so I was not thinking clearly by the time I could sit at the computer.
I’ll need to adjust my plan.
I’ll spend an hour and a half each weekday on Quora to ensure I get at least seven hours focused on traffic weekly. Since the weekend has variables I don’t necessarily control, I’ll be sure to meet my goal before the weekend comes.
I think it would be best to post daily even so. In many circumstances, daily consistency is helpful for affiliate marketing. I’m unsure how that applies to Quora, but I would rather stay safe and post daily.
So, after I publish my blog post, I’ll spend some time on Quora today. That will be my plan for Sundays in the future.
Sometimes, I have more time to myself on Saturday. On those days, I’ll also spend an hour on Quora.
In short, we spend a lot of time on Saturday and Sunday with family. I may not have the time to spend on Quora.
My goal is not to take the day off for my fun now. When my business grows, I’ll definitely be taking the weekends off.
In the meantime, I’ll prioritize doing Quora during the weekend if family time allows.
I Am Pleased
I’m pleased with last week’s results.
Building a habit of laser concentration on Quora for one hour has built momentum and confidence.
I think it’s nice to have a concentrated and focused time limit.
For example, there were times I answered questions more quickly than others. I would feel like I was done for the day, but the time wasn’t up, so I continued. Not having a choice, I accomplished more than I usually would have done.
While on days when it was taking me longer to answer questions, I kept myself going by realizing I had already spent a great deal of time working. I realized I was doing well, reminded myself Quora is about the quality of answers, not quantity, and zeroed in on my work.
Also, the habit-building of spending that concentrated hour was invaluable. Momentum is building. My confidence is building. I’m finding I really am able to help people. And it feels good to be committed to something measurable.
Whereas before I set this goal, I was sorta of free from 8-11. I would need to focus on Quora but also make phone calls, do chores, and read (I read and tell the stories to my Grandma). Considering my mornings free to focus on Quora, I was taken aback by how little I accomplished.
Since I’ve limited my time and focused on work with no interruptions allowed, I’ve made much more progress.
- I will work on Quora for 1 1/2 hours on weekdays.
- I will work on Quora for 1 hour on each weekend day if at all possible.
- This week, I’m going to take a course on time management. I expect it will give me more focus, motivation, and hope for managing my flexible time wisely. I realize I spend too much time procrastinating because I am overwhelmed. I’m going to resolve that.
I want to streamline my mornings to find more productive time for the business. I need to work on my traffic source, follow-up, and various tasks that come up from week to week.
I look forward to giving you an update next time.
I’ll share what helped me from the time management course and my progress with Quora.
I appreciate you holding me accountable! It helps to know I’ll be sharing my progress with you, so I have to make it! LOL!
I find it surprising that doing the tasks of affiliate marketing is challenging.
The tasks themselves are simple enough.
It’s staying focused and consistent and using time wisely that is challenging.
Have you been through this yourself? How have you built consistency into your business? Do you stay focused based on your “why” you want a business, or do you focus on building your business, or is it a mixture of both?
I’m curious. I’m interested in the mindset of others who are also growing a business that isn’t tangible. Please leave a comment.
Have a wonderful week!
Ciao for now,