Using YouTube As an Affiliate Marketing Traffic Source

Using YouTube As an Affiliate Marketing Traffic Source

Good morning!

It is finally Saturday – yay!

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long week. I am glad for a break.

We’re having a big family birthday dinner today, so once again, I’m awake at 2 AM, putting the finishing touches on my post.

This week, I’m continuing to catch up on my training. I may move to the next step once I’ve made my first traffic video, so I’ve been working on YouTube training. Today’s post is about why you should consider using YouTube and how to begin.

Since this article includes many directions, I’ve included my personal thoughts in purple so it’s easy to distinguish the directions from my reflections.

Pros and Cons of YouTube

First of all, what are the pros and cons of YouTube?


  • YouTube is the second largest visited website and search engine, following Google.
  • You don’t need fancy equipment or a recording studio.
  • You can earn very early on. My trainer, Sophie Sion Byde, got her first commission when she had thirty-one subscribers and 800 views. She had her first high-ticket commission at about 430 subscribers. That video only had 50 views, but she made $1000.
  • You can monetize with ads, but that’s just the icing on the cake. Your main source of income will be affiliate marketing.
  • It’s a search engine- people are looking specifically for what you have to offer. They don’t come across you by accident, so they will likely be responsive to your YouTube video because they searched it out.
  • It will continue to work for you in the future. YouTube is evergreen in that it doesn’t disappear from a newsfeed or the TikTok algorithm. It is always there and can make you commissions for years to come.

The last two bullet points convinced me to use YouTube as my primary traffic source. What I mean by primary is that I will focus on learning all I can about YouTube and becoming an expert on that platform. Someday, I’ll begin repurposing my videos for TikTok and other platforms that make sense, but I will zero in on becoming fabulous at YouTube.


  • YouTube does take time.
  • It’s unpredictable.
  • There is a learning curve: Shooting videos, optimizing for SEO, and making thumbnails. In time, you will learn to edit. You can start simple, but the better your videos, the better they will perform.
  • It’s a long-term game. It is a bare garden. You plant many seeds; some will grow into great, giant oaks, some will be tiny, and some will be in between. You have to have the attitude of nurturing your channel.

How to Begin in Four Steps

I. Create Your Channel

  1. You’ll need a Gmail address.
  2. Login to your Gmail account.
  3. Go to; sign in if you still need to log into your Google account.
  4. Click on your profile circle, and click Create a channel.
  5. Name your channel. Please think about it. You can change it, but only sometimes, so please think it through.
  6. Upload a pic of yourself. People relate to people. They will relate to your face much better than a logo, a dog, etc.
  7. Click Create Channel in the bottom right corner.

Ta Da! Your YouTube channel has been created!

II. Customize Your Channel

YouTube will show you how to do it all. YouTube wants you to succeed, and it is in its interest that you make money. There’s a YouTube studio video you can watch. There’s also a question icon that is a get help section. And, of course, you can always Google your question if you get stuck. But I don’t think you’ll get stuck at this point. I’ve got a good guide for you.

  1. Click on Branding. You can upload a banner image.
  2. Use to get the dimensions right quickly.
  3. Click Create Design and search for the YouTube banner to find the correct dimensions. Then, you can select a template and personalize it. The banner is not very wide, so keep words in the center.
  4. Click share, download it to your computer, and upload it on YouTube. (I had a hard time with this. I didn’t use a template. I wanted my YouTube banner to match my blog banner. The “N” in Nakina wouldn’t fit in the narrow space because of my chosen font. I had to change it, and to be consistent, I had to change it on my blog as well. I wouldn’t say I liked that, but it needed to be done. It’s a small, cosmetic thing. I had to step back and know it would be okay.)
  5. It will show you how your banner looks online, on mobile phones, and on TV. Check it and make sure it looks nice.

Don’t overthink it. Take 20 minutes and make it look nice.

III. Fill In Basic info. section

This is similar to any About information. Think of a blog, for example.

Focus on telling people what the channel will bring them. It would be best to focus on what value you give the viewer. What are they going to get from you? How are you going to help them? Add the phrase “affiliate marketing” in there.

Always think of the “You” in YouTube. Focus on the viewer.

If you have a link, this is where you put it. You can add up to five links. You could put in your lead magnet and blog, for instance.

Only post a few links because the more choices people have, the less they click on things.

Click Publish to save information.


I overthought this part as if I needed to get it perfect the first time. Ultimately, I wrote a few sentences and published my Affiliate System link tree links (more on that in the future) and my opt-in for joining me as an accountability partner. I can always edit it as I find my voice on YouTube. You can view it here.

IV. Verify You’re Human

These are straightforward directions to follow. No personal touches need to be added.

  1. Go back to channel customizations, settings (the tool icon), channel, and feature eligibility.
  2. Go to intermediate features, verify your phone number, and you’ll get a code to verify your identity. Once you’ve done that, you can make videos longer than 15 minutes, create custom thumbnails, and be eligible to do live streaming.
  3. Go back to the channel, feature eligibility, and advanced features, and there is a verification process that enables more features. There are three ways to go about it. You only need to choose one. This process will allow you to appeal content ID claims, create more live streams daily, upload more videos daily, and create more shorts daily.



So, this was a lot of work this week. I hope these directions simplify your route if you decide to go this way.

What do you think of my choice to use YouTube? What are you going to use or are you using as your traffic source, and why?

This week, I expect I’ll work on shooting my first video. I’m learning I take time to make progress. That makes sense as I look back on my past school experiences. I slowly comprehend and then pick up pace as I go along.

It’s okay to take your time as long as you do take the time and keep moving forward 🙂

Do you find that’s true for yourself? Or do you allow time for others but always try to push yourself harder than you can comfortably go? I’m trying to be comfortable moving at my own pace and really mean it. And also seeing my progress as fantastic. I don’t need to judge myself by how quickly others learn but going at my own pace is A-okay.

I’m uncomfortable feeling behind my training group and reframing my mind so it doesn’t get me stuck.

How do you think I’m doing? Lol! I think I’m doing splendidly!

Please click on my banner to join me as an accountability partner. I can use all the help and support I can get! And I’d like to support you in our journeys, too.

If you found this article helpful, please share it on social media and comment to let me know.

Ciao for now,



28 thoughts on “Using YouTube As an Affiliate Marketing Traffic Source”

  1. Hello – This is such great information. I have been torn between using YouTube or TikTok. Your information and step-by-step guide is so helpful for me as I make a decision (I know, I’m overthinking!). Thank you for taking the time to posting this valuable information. I’ll search you out on YouTube and continue to read your blog for great information like what is in this post.

    1. Thank you, Ernie! I was torn between YouTube and TikTok, also. At some point in the future, I’ll post short form content on YouTube that I can repurpose on TikTok. But one step at a time 🙂
      Thank you for the encouragement!

  2. Hi Nakina,
    A very well written blog on YouTube. If I ever decide to go that way I’ll definitely come back here to follow the instructions. Personally, I have decided on TikTok and Facebook as my primary and secondary platforms. Good luck with your first video; I can’t wait to see it!
    Andy Jacobs recently posted…It Was Progress RegardlessMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Andy! I’m glad you found it so useful!
      And thanks for the well wishes. I finished my training on YouTube this week and am working on my strategy now. Bit by bit, I am making progress!

  3. Yes!! I love You Tube!! And have chosen it as my main source for traffic, beccause it’s evergreen and the community there is awesome. Every video you make can be clipped and sent across social platforms. I don’t have a problem making videos. Just don’t overthink it!!

    1. Kate, I’m glad to hear you love YouTube! I bet once I get the hang of it, I’ll be able to repurpose my videos for other platforms pretty easily. I’m glad to hear you do this already.
      I’ll see you in YouTube world shortly!

  4. Hi nakina,
    This was a great post! I really appreciate all the information you gave. I learned a lot from it. I’m just now learning myself about all the different platforms and this post was so helpful for me. I’m thinking of going with TikTok as my first platform of choice, but I’m torn between the two. Meaning TikTok and YouTube. I’m sure you will do just fine with your posting on YouTube. I can’t wait to see your first video. I subscribed to your channel. Thank you so much. 😊 I look forward to your next blog post.
    Meredith Moore recently posted…Crafting And Completing My Link Tree & Venturing into Social MediaMy Profile

    1. Oh, Meredith! Thank you! I bet you are my first subscriber!
      I was torn between the two as well.
      One reason I went with YouTube was that it’s a slower pace. I can film and edit one video a week while I get comfortable with the process. I’m sure I’ll pick up speed as I go and use TikTok as a secondary platform in the future. There are so many people out there, and you can grow an audience quickly.
      Good luck to you whichever way you go!

  5. Hey Nakina, whish you find success with YouTube. This is a very nice and comprehensive post to help everyone starting this way. Actually I’m focusing on TikTok, but YouTube is definitely an avenue I want to take once I will get better at making video.
    Take care,
    Martin Lefebvre recently posted…Documenting For TrafficMy Profile

    1. Hey, Martin!
      Thanks for the comment! That’s a common theme today! So many people are interested in both platforms, just choosing one over the other as a primary source of traffic.
      Best of luck to you, too! It is definitely an adventure!

  6. Nakina, thank you for sharing all of this great information. YouTube is a big beast. I have been researching it and spending my time checking out the competition and I am currently reading a book on it. I finally just bit the bullet and recorded my first video, beta, then better, right lol! Look forward to seeing your first video!

    1. Hey, Alison! Thanks for the encouragement!
      What book are you reading? I’ve been comparing books to see what might be helpful.
      I think I’m going to have to do the same. At some point, I’m just going to have to take the plunge and make that first video.
      I finished the training and am planning my channel strategy.
      But soon, I shall just do it!
      I’m going to look up your video 🙂 Cheers!

  7. HI Nakina,

    Great post.. You might have actually pushed me towards Youtube. I understand how the process isn’t as quick. I must make more time to figure everything out on that platform. I have copied your blog to check back when I get stuck.
    Thanks for this one.


    1. You’re welcome, Sandy!
      I feel more comfortable with YouTube’s slower pace. I think I would be overwhelmed by making one to three videos daily, even short ones. I do try to figure everything out rather than just jumping in. I know there’s a time and a place for thinking and a time and a place for doing. I’m quickly getting to the doing and getting excited about it! Time for a new chapter!
      Cheers to you, Sandy! Best of luck to you!

  8. Nakina, this was fantastic thank you. I’ve been thinking about doing YouTube for a while now and have actually created a channel. Other than a few shorts. I don’t really have much on there. I wanted to develop it out and make it like my main training and ‘how to’ place to go for my followers. The information you’ve given has been very valuable that it’s given me the confidence to continue. I love how you showed the pros and cons and the step-by-step method. Thank you so much, Atif

    1. Atif, I feel very encouraged that I inspired you with a bit of confidence! You come across as having so much already!
      I think that’s a great strategy for your YouTube channel! That will be very valuable to your audience.
      I’m going to check out your shorts!

  9. All the best with YouTube.

    I agree & understand for the reasons mentioned why it is your primary source.

    I think it will be for me as well as I like to think things through and it feels like TikTok can be a more spur-of-the-moment.

    So I am learning TikTok through trial and error but once I feel I can edit add music, & hashtags, etc. I will be able to focus my time on YouTube and am looking forward to it.

    By then you will be an expert so I will be able to follow and learn. Let us know when you’re up and running.

    1. I definitely will, Eleanor!
      I understand what you mean regarding the spur-of-the-moment feel to TikTok. It seems very fast-paced.
      Congratulations on tackling TikTok first! I will look for you!

  10. Hi Nakina,
    Wishing you all the best in your YouTube endeavour!
    I loved the great explanation you provided – as well as the “faux-pas” that you also encountered. This is the type of advice many definitely look for.
    All the best,

    1. Thanks, Marc!
      And that’s exactly what I’m hoping for! Sharing my experiences will hopefully bring some light-heartedness and community feeling to our group.

  11. Nakina,
    Thank you for the step by step process in setting up YouTube. I am still undecided between YouTube and Instagram. You may have helped me make my decision. I have gone about it backwards though as I have created several videos, I just have not posted them yet. LOL! I look forward to following your progress.

    1. Oh, that’s a good idea, Sherri! It sounds like you’re trying out the different methods before choosing one. Brilliant! That’s a different tactic. You might find one you prefer doing or have more fun with. That’s a really good idea!
      Best of luck to you!

  12. really helpful stuff here…I love the way you separate your own thoughts about the process and make them stand out. it is inspirering

  13. Nakina,
    This is a very helpful post for someone like myself that is quit new to most social media. You kept it simple to follow and understand. I will be referencing it again in the near future.


  14. Hi Nakina,
    Great post and so much amazing info about YouTube!
    I looked at you channel and it looks awesome!
    I chose to use TikTok to build an audience as it wasn’t as much work to set up.
    I do have a YouTube channel but haven’t added videos or a banner yet..
    All the best as you film you first video. Wish you continued success!

    1. Thanks, Denny!
      I really appreciate you taking the time to look and give me feedback. That helps. Very encouraging!
      TikTok does seem easier to begin. Best wishes to you on your TikTok journey!

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